Last month, we at Sydcam Marketing Communications spoke to you about why we felt social media was a critical and viable marketing strategy for most small (and medium-sized) businesses. Today we would like to talk to about what we believe are the key social media tools small businesses need to consider in executing on their social media program.
It’s not news that social media has exploded in popularity in the past couple of years all over the globe. More and more people of all ages, cultures and walks of life are using social media to find old friends, connect with people of similar interests, and generally speaking reach out on a personal level to a wider audience than was ever possible before.
Why achieving a consistent, branded communications strategy is critical in the digital era
I recently came across an interesting article in the Harvard Business Review* (HBR) that I wanted to share with my readers. The article talks about a unique aspect within social media: how it is impacting consumer behaviour (and attitudes), the impact it is having on a company’s brand, and how a consistent communications strategy can resolve consumer confusion and improve your bottom line.