Creative thinking that delivers results

05 Jul
ecommerce, online marketing, digital marketing

As marketers move more and more to becoming a more integral – and quantifiable part of the sales process, they are eager to refine and better influence their ability to ‘close’ sales with customers while limiting the likelihood that these customers won’t buy or may go elsewhere for their online purchase.

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31 May

Is your business ready for CASL?

Category: Email marketing
Written by: Ian Turner
CASL, email marketing, digital marketing, online marketing, spam

It’s been three years in the making, but the July 1st finish line for the implementation for Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) is quickly approaching. Many businesses may be worried, thinking they may not be prepared and fully compliant. How about your company ready? This blog will outline some of the key changes upcoming so you can assess where your business stands.

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01 May
marketing, marketing communications, marketing strategy, innovation

Innovation isn’t a word often associated with marketing, in part because our industry has often been considered more of a creative medium.  And while the growing prevalence of marketing automation and analytics might change this perception a bit, for many the idea of marketing innovation is still far off.  So can marketers be innovative, and if so, what would this look like in practical terms?

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