Collaborating with our clients isn’t likely that foreign to most of us – we’ve probablly done it at some point in our careers. The real question is how often do we do it? Is it something we only do when it’s convenient or when the client insists upon it? Or is this the approach we often engage in, one that forms a fundamental way we meet our clients' needs?
At Sydcam Marketing Communications, we develop collaborative marketing strategies, plans and communications by working closely with our clients. In this blog we’ll explain why we're so adamant about this concept.
Collaboration delivers results
As we’ve seen with the explosion of Web 2.0, social networking is all about collaborating with clients to better understand their needs and to provide them with products and services they want. Bottom line, collaboration with clients has been proven to achieve better results and bigger successes. Why? Well, it can simply be the result of the old adage “two heads are better than one”.
It would be difficult to dispute that our clients possess considerable knowledge about their industries, markets and ultimately, their clients. We need to proactively tap into this wealth of knowledge to deliver superior results for our clients. Engaging them in the planning and decision making process can only benefit marketers in developing products and services that will truly “wow” their clients.
How can we make this work?
Many readers may think “this can’t work in my business”. Truthfully, collaboration can occur successfully in a variety of ways, and with many different players. Employers and employees can collaborate as a team, and industry and academia can also collaborate together.
The most important element to successful collaboration is the willingness of both parties to work together, be open-minded and appreciate each others unique perspectives, be able to contribute and engage fully in the process, and finally be willing to compromise where necessary.
Collaborating with Consumers
In marketing, collaboration can be taken one step further by engaging consumers in the development of marketing strategies, plans and tactics. Through the use of surveys, feedback from social media and “old school” concepts such as focus groups, the consumer can become an integral part of the conversation, identifying what they feel would be the best way to satisfy their needs.
By working collaboratively with clients or consumers, we’re able to create very practical and pragmatic solutions and gain a fresh perspective on how best to apply marketing concepts and strategies for maximum affect. In our highly competitive and ever evolving marketplace, it seems inconceivable to ignore this approach.
If you’re interested in working with a firm that wants to develop collaborative marketing programs with its clients, contact Sydcam Marketing Communications. We want to hear from like-minded businesses that see the value in building stronger relationships as a means to creating better solutions. Let’s work together to build even better mousetraps!