Creative thinking that delivers results

08 May
marketing strategy, marketing plan, marketing tactics

I make a point to read about marketing topics on almost a daily basis, along with attending many webinars. And if there is one pet peeve I have with the marketing community is their failure to understand the distinctions between the terms marketing strategy, plan and tactics. Too often these terms are used interchangeably, which only serves to confuse those in the profession and others trying to better understand our space.

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02 Apr
loyalty marketing, loyalty programs, marketing strategy

Loyalty programs have a fairly simple goal – to reward loyal customers for their continued patronage by incenting them to choose your business for current and future purchases. In doing so, businesses need to design loyalty programs that reward the right behaviour that will benefit the company’s bottom line while also providing fair value to its customers.

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11 Apr

How ‘big’ is Big Data?

Category: Marketing strategy
Written by: Ian Turner
Big data, data analytics, marketing strategy, SMB

The evolution of technology in marketing has been truly momentous over the last five years alone. Marketers are relying more and more on tech to solve the ‘big data equation’ in order to make informed and intelligent marketing decisions. The growth in big data – and in tech offerings to manage all this data – will only grow in the coming years as businesses strive to use it as a differentiator.

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