Oh no you say, not another type of marketing! So what is influencer marketing and why has it become an important part of the marketing mix for many businesses, especially those with an online presence? For those that read our blog last month on Customer Engagement, influencer marketing is very much an extension of this. Specifically, it refers to a brand’s ability to motivate ‘online influencers’ to act as your advocates.
There’s been a fair bit of debate over the years on the importance of blogging as an element of a business’ content marketing strategy and plan. Well let’s put that debate to bed – blogging is a very important and effective way to communicate with your clients and prospects.
When marketers and businesses think of the new concept known as Content Marketing, they often think of blogging and social media. Oftentimes they forget to look ‘closer to home’ and consider how their website can be a key part of a content marketing strategy.