What makes a great marketer? Is it above average creativity, a strong business acumen, an ability to think strategically with a big picture approach, or is it a bit of everything? And how do marketers acquire these skills? Is it by working in various areas of an organization first, by attending a B-school and perhaps getting an MBA, or is it by cutting your teeth first in sales and then translating that training and exposure into a marketing role?
I truly believe there is a lot to be said about the latter approach, and here’s why. I often feel there is a much more practical way of going about becoming successful at marketing – and that centres around thinking more like a customer! At Sydcam Marketing Communications, we believe that thinking like a customer is at the essence of effective marketing.
Understanding Needs
One of the primary reasons why I think marketers need to think like a customer is that it helps to better understand the needs of the end consumer of your goods and services. I would argue this is even more important when you hire advertising agencies and the like to work on behalf of your company, who have an arms length relationship to the business and its products.
Buyer (i.e. consumer) behaviour is a critical component of the purchase decision and process, which is exactly what most marketers are trying to impact and influence. There is no better way to understand what motivates the end customer to purchase your products or services than to actually put yourself, as the marketer, into their shoes and try to understand why they make certain purchase decisions.
Formulating marketing strategies
When it comes to thinking strategically, or developing a marketing strategy for your business or client, the same tactics and approach apply. It should be based on the perceived motives and intents of your target client. What are they looking for from your given product or service? What are their expectations? What would be the distinguishing factor that would sway them to purchase your products over your competitors? All these questions should be carefully considered and analyzed when coming up with a marketing strategy for your business.
In the end, business and marketing always comes down to the customer. Understand their needs, appreciate what motivates their purchase decisions, and recognize what actions will resonate with them and you’ll be on the right track. Stepping into their shoes is the best way to assess this effectively. You will then be able to develop marketing campaigns and programs that will achieve the bottom line results you and your company expect.
Thinking like a customer is really no more than a concerted approach to thinking and acting in a very unique way that can have tangible benefits for your business. If you would like to discuss how you can implement this kind of strategy within your company, or if you simply want to discover some simple techniques to incorporate this into your daily marketing routines, contact us at Sydcam Marketing Communications. We’d love to sit down and talk to you about something we’re very passionate about.